WCC Events: None yet! See above. Others: Other events at left, & see Links page for
other clubs.

Click for Map to City Park. From Jazzland, take I-510 W to (1st exit) I-10 W toward New Orleans. Take I-610 West toward Baton
Rouge, except exit at Canal Blvd. toward downtown NOLA. Turn left at City Park Avenue & go approx. 1 mile. City Park is just
past Delgado Community College on left.
Click for Map to City Park Rides. From City Park Ave., turn left on Marconi Dr., 1st right onto Dreyfous Ave. into City Park
(1-way East), 3rd Left past 2nd set of tennis courts, & Right onto Victory Ave. to Carousel Gardens (parking on left across
from Carousel Gardens & Storyland).

Jazzland to Dixie Landin' Directions: Turn Right exiting Jazzland parking exit. Pass the 1st right (employee parking),
& take 1st Right turn onto I-510 North. Take I-10 West exit (2nd toward downtown NOLA; not 1st toward Slidell).
Several miles after IntraCoastal Canal (extra large bridge), turn Right onto I-610 West. This will intersect I-10 West
again at a very dangerous merge immediately after Canal Blvd. exit (toward City Park). Stay on I-10 to Dixie Landin' exit,
aprox. 90 min. drive from Jazzland.
![Official Link: Jazzland Theme Park [site of ACE Spring Conference, April 20th & April 21, 2002]](https://woodencoasterclub.tripod.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/jazzland-logo.gif)
![Official Link: Waterville USA - Gulf Shores, AL [Apr-19-2002 - ACE Spring Conference]](https://woodencoasterclub.tripod.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/waterville-logo.jpg)
From Waterville (Gulf Shores, AL) to Jazzland (New Orleans, LA): Go North to I-10 West. Take I-10 to I-510
Intersection. Go I-510 South to First Exit. Turn Left (under I-510) to Jazzland Entrance (1st or 2nd Left past I-510